Flash presentations
Les PETITES VITES de DARE-DARE, initiated and organized by our Critical Space Committee, consist of a series of flash presentations within a strict protocol: the speakers have exactly 7 minutes and a visual support of 5 images to make their presentation.
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Les PETITES VITES de DARE-DARE, initiated and organized by our Critical Space Committee, consist of a series of flash presentations within a strict protocol: the speakers have exactly 7 minutes and a visual support of 5 images to make their presentation. These presentations follow each other in the same frenetic rhythm and are followed by an open microphone plenary.
The first edition was held on August 25 and 26, 2017. It is a gathering that can inspire reflection on the practices of occupation of the public space that combines disciplines as well as artistic, community and associative approaches during a series of meetings that meet with the concerns related to the components of places, strategies and actions of occupations and the collective sharing of territories.
These evenings are meant to be moments of gathering that give to see, hear and share different experiences and knowledge coming from the artistic, social, urbanistic spheres, and any other discipline invested in these stakes.
Questions like these were addressed during its first edition: what about the artist in this context? Does he.she become a political actor? Should he.she think about mediation? Does his.her experience become common with that of the public? Does space become obligatorily shared and collective? Is the audience captive of what is unfolding before it? What is the status of works that can be seen by all passers-by, travelers, users and citizens? What are the constraints and benefits for the artist and the public? In some cases, are the works the artists themselves? In what ways are the habits of both artists and the public jostled?
In a convivial and festive summer format, before the evening of August 25 with members of the RAIQ, the interdisciplinary community was first invited to take part in the AGM in the afternoon and to continue for a 5-7. In fact, art in the public space causes new uses of a place, makes social, political or urbanistic concerns resonate, brings together the experiences and interests of the citizens and reformulates social questions.
Friday, August 25, 2017
3 pm to 5 pm: RAIQ Annual General Meeting
5 pm to 7 pm: 5 @ 7 of the RAIQ with corn roast
7 pm to 9 pm: LES PETITES VITES 1
Guests: ATSA (Annie Roy); 3e impérial (Caroline Boileau); Verticale Artist-run Center (Charlotte Panaccio Letendre); Orchestre d’Hommes-Orchestres (Simon Drouin); Folie-Culture (Céline Marcotte et Alain-Martin Richard).
Animation: Catherine Lalonde Massecar and André-Éric Letourneau
Saturday, August 26, 2017
5 pm to 7 pm: 5 @ 7 of DARE-DARE with hot dogs
7 pm to 10 pm: LES PETITES VITES 2
Guests: DARE-DARE (Martin Dufrasne); KABANE 77 (Anne Lardeux); Julie-Isabelle Laurin; Jean-François Prost / Adaptive Actions and Anne-Marie Ouellet.
Animation: Hugo Nadeau