Lise-Hélène Larin
Vice de forme
The installation is a PARA/SITE which aims, in a playful spirit, to test the resistances of the art system, its immunology (!), by modifying the exhibition context as well as the habits of the artist and the viewer.

A para/site, Vice of Form aims, in a humorous way, to test the defenses of the art system, its immunology (!) by changing the rules of the gallery space and modifying the normal behavior of artist and spectator. This is a research about the types of associations that form the esthetic experience and exist in the world of art.
Vice of Form allows that a non/site be marked by art, a site now inhabited by parasites, that would remain empty without this default and that transforms the traditional exibition space.
The parasites were born in 1992, out of a space restriction imposed by the curator of a group show. They are from the "Série des objets vic(s)ieux", since they are created with latex screw imprints. At this point they include found rubber pieces. The ecological import of the creative act is therefore preserved.