Manon De Pauw
Au travail
Au travail is the result of a singular residency: a series of in situ shootings carried out at DARE-DARE with the complicity of its team.
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Au travail is the result of a singular residency: a series of in situ shootings carried out at DARE-DARE with the complicity of its team. During these sessions, the artist collected live images of the work that is done daily in the office. She also staged performative (in)actions. The latter are a way of taking a stand, of stopping time and of establishing new physical relationships with the world. In this video installation, work and play, the pragmatic and the poetic, real time and reconstructed time intersect.
Artist statement
Manon De Pauw is interested in body-language and body-machine relations as well as in notions of performance and rhythm of life. Through a video-performance practice focused on physical attitude, she probes the blurred zones between movement and inertia, between action and inaction, between productivity and procrastination, between efficiency and failure. Her current research focuses on the work of the artist, the educator and the cultural worker. She explores the places that are specific to them and looks for the poetry in the postures, gestures and attitudes that emerge from them.
Manon De Pauw is returning to full time art practice after a few years devoted mainly to cultural work. She has presented her work in Montreal, Toronto and Europe. She is completing a master's degree in research-creation at UQAM where she participates in the activities of Interstices, a research group in media arts exploring body-machine interfaces. She lives and works in Montreal.