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Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas

Transitory poem for the future

I want to teleport to Sainte-Cunégonde Park with an idea of the future from Cuba. I want my language to appear there: in Spanish, French, English, or simply, in “poetry”.

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Poetry is a living phenomenon. It has the power to become a collective echo if it’s inscribed in the public space. I have seen how verses and graffiti cross the landscape, summon us and become a common manifesto. I have read poems in the notes written on the walls of public restrooms, I aspire to those promises that are survival modes or just the vertigo of a message without a signature. I want to teleport to Sainte-Cunégonde Park with an idea of the future from Cuba. I want my language to appear there: in Spanish, French, English, or simply, in “poetry”. Transitory poem for the future aspires to write itself without censorship, to imagine other worlds, one where saying freedom is always possible.

Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas

Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas aka Martica Minipunto (Cuba, 1991) is a writer and performer who studied at the Universidad de las Artes, ISA. Her practice is developed in permanent research on transdisciplinary processes, with an emphasis on poetry, archives, and micropolitic devices.

 She has published « Días de hormigas » [Ants days] (Ed. Unión, 2018), « Los vegueros »  [The tobacco planters] (Sureditores, 2019) and « La puta y el hurón »  [The Whore and the Ferret]  (Editions Fra, 2020; Caballo de Troya, 2023). She has participated in artist residencies and festivals as La Serre Art-Vivans (Montreal, 2018), Experimenta Sur (Colombia, 2019), Panorama Sur (Argentina, 2019), Young Curators Academy (Berlin, 2019), Festival Sâlmon (Barcelona, 2020), Watch and Talk (Zürcher Theater Spektakel, 2020), Festival Poesía en Voz Alta (México, 2021), Festival Santiago a Mil (Chile, 2021), La Caldera (Barcelona, 2022), and Per°Form Open Academy (Singapore, 2023), among others.  

Her performance « No soy unicornio » [I’m no unicorn] received the award ZKB Acknowledgement Prize-2022 in Zürcher Theater Spektakel.  She is the founder of the independent publisher Ediciones sinsentido and coordinated a scenic laboratory called Laboratorio Escénico de Experimentación Social, LEES, from 2016-2020.