Programming 2025-2026

Our mission is to explore, question and develop the practices, spaces and modes of dissemination of contemporary art, and to contribute to its democratization and accessibility. Conceived by the committee formed by Marcela Bórquez, Guillaume Dufour Morin, Sylvie Laplante, Eugenia Reznik, Anouk Verviers and Martin Dufrasne, the program Méthodes et jeux de l'espace: zones d'existences will run for its second year from April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026.
Méthodes et jeux de l'espace: zones d'existences
In an affirmation of DARE-DARE's mandate and a reflection on the semi-nomadic context of a center in perpetual metamorphosis, DARE-DARE wishes to recognize what has been done, is being done and can be done by the center and the artistic practices that are rooted in the communities and histories they rub shoulders with.
This two-year program goes beyond a thematic approach, seeking instead to explore and activate, in all its diversity, the methodological inventiveness of bold, exploratory artistic practices and their transformative potential on the territory we inhabit. Through each of their projects, this year's artists will seek to question the multiple dimensions of being in situ / in socius, exploring fields that are relational and sensitive, ecological and sonic, ephemeral and hybrid.
2025-2026 ARTISTS
Interventions in the public space
Public writings