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Nancy Anne McPhee

Speculative Box: the Wunderkammer Project

The Wunderkammer Project involves the collection and presentation of objects found in and around the Cabot Square. The Square signifies a confluence of social spheres ; an axis of wealth and poverty, commerce and culture, nature and structure, memory and loss, neglect and revitalization.

Sub-event of


➜ Please note that this event could not be fully realized. The OFF-Biennale team was forced to end activities earlier than planned, for reasons beyond our control. Some activities have been postponed to the following programming season.

Dates: May 22 to 31, 2009
The kiosk in the Cabot Square

The Wunderkammer Project involves the collection and presentation of objects found in and around the Cabot Square. The Square signifies a confluence of social spheres ; an axis of wealth and poverty, commerce and culture, nature and structure, memory and loss, neglect and revitalization.

Artist, cabaret performist, social naturalist, flour gastronomist, ice skatist. Originally from Alberta, Nancy Anne McPhee has a BFA from the University of Victoria, and is completing an MFA at Concordia University.