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Paul Sayban


The transcended essence of the architectural place, the Mont St-Michel, its mystical and secular vocation, its passage, its temporal alteration, its social function of before and now transmutes the tragic ephemerality of the vision of a journey, of a pilgrimage and its tourist and mercantile profanations.

The transcended essence of the architectural place, the Mont St-Michel, its mystical and secular vocation, its passage, its temporal alteration, its social function of before and now transmutes the tragic ephemerality of the vision of a journey, of a pilgrimage and its tourist and mercantile profanations. This reflection is then transposed into the seizure, like a twisted and undone photographic snapshot, which would have kept its three-dimensional substance and would have been able to impregnate itself with the theatricality of the architectural form, as well as with its intimate and human history.