Pratiques du territoire II
Occupation - dislocation - mutation
In parallel with the Fresh Paint / Peinture fraîche event presented at Parc sans nom, DARE-DARE offers the public the second part of a series of lectures on the hybrid relationship between art and public space.
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In parallel with the Fresh Paint / Peinture fraîche event presented from September 28 to 30 at the park with no name, DARE-DARE offers the public the second part of a series of lectures on the hybrid relationship between art and public space. With Pratiques du territoire: Occupation - dislocation - mutation, DARE-DARE wants to gather reflections of artists and theoreticians to accompany the artistic experiments by the artists of its programming.
At these lectures, the artist-run center offers interdisciplinary approaches to rethink the conceptualization and articulation of space as a territory to occupy. The speakers will present, among other things, the result of activities that alter the notion and experience of the place as a social, political and economic territory. This experience of the territory is one that engages on the ground of non-lieu not as "out-of-place", but rather as an "atopy": space for reflection that could introduce a beneficial relationship between the art and its possible impact on the social fabric. In addition, the three conferences envision changes in our relationships to the social fabric from multiple perspectives. The practices of the territory by Carl Bouchard and Martin Dufrasne, Peter Gibson (aka Roadsworth) and Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat take into consideration the insertion of the body in a particular place, the maneuvers and geopoetic interventions in interaction with the practices of art, activism and sociology.
The work of our guests concerns not only the field of aesthetics, but also that of ethics and the new places that it invests. Through an approach that emphasizes urban, political or artistic experimentation - by exploring associative culture and mobilization - or by acting through a performative treatment of the social bond and human behavior in the face of power, our guests are singular social actors. They bring their problems back to the local level, while assuming their global implications: they thus seize the "glocal".
Since 1998, Carl Bouchard and Martin Dufrasne have developed a joint interdisciplinary practice in parallel with their individual approach. Their photographs, installations and performances were presented in more than twenty exhibitions and events in Quebec, Ontario, France, Cuba, Colombia and Wales. To date, the duo has produced some fifty works that address the themes of identity, otherness, duality and power games, as well as notions of community and commitment. Combining the axioms of performance (authenticity, risk and presence) with those of the theater (poetic and significant drifts), their installations (gestures and actions in installation) are experienced as events, products of an incident, even a crime. Having as a common ground the study and criticism of human and relational behaviors, they aim to test social and political prejudices. By assigning the spectator alternately the role of voyeur, accomplice, judge and witness, Bouchard and Dufrasne stimulate a reflection on the notions of reception and responsibility. (Sunday from 1:30 pm).
Originally from Toronto, Peter Gibson (aka Roadsworth) moved to Montreal at the age of 19 where he studied jazz and played in several bands. In 2001, he began to paint the streets of Montreal, motivated by a pressing desire for more bicycle paths in the city and more questioning of the "car culture". In the fall of 2004, Roadsworth was arrested by the police for his nightime activities. Since these events, Roadsworth has received several commissions: among others, from the Ville-Marie borough, the Palais des congrès and the Canadian Center for Architecture. He has just completed a commission for the Kent Council as part of the 2007 Tour de France and participated in the 25th Symposium of Contemporary Art in Baie-Saint-Paul. (Saturday from 1:30 pm).
Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat is a political scientist, sociologist and senior lecturer in political science at the University of Montpellier. His research questions the phenomena of dissemination (hybridization, transversality) and multiplication (extension, deployment) that characterize intellectual creative activities today: the activities of art, research, social intervention, study or education. Its main research topics: micropolitics, e-business approaches.
Resource Committee:Clara Bonnes, Constanza Camelo and Fabien Loszach
Sponsors: Arts Café, F & F, Le Dépanneur Café, Nonya, L'Assommoir
Partners: Journées de la culture and Pop Montreal