Programming Launch
DUOLOGIE 2019-2020
DARE-DARE launches its annual DUOLOGY program with a festive happy hour on Friday, June 21, Solstice Day.
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DARE-DARE kicks off its annual DUOLOGY programming with a festive happy hour on Friday, June 21, 2019, Solstice Day. See you at the DARE-DARE village, between trailer, resource center and summer tent!
- Unveiling of the artists of DUOLOGIE, the new hybrid formula of DARE-DARE.
- Meeting with the writers in residence for Écritures publiques.
- Reopening of La HALTE: Pavilion of reference and reflection on art in the public space.
- A look back at Fabuler l'École, DARE-DARE's contribution to alternative schools.
- Launch of publications.
- Inauguration of a public piano.
- BBQ + dardarbar + DJ Tignasse
The duologists
Jennifer Alleyn + Raphaëlle de Groot
Anne Bérubé + Sarah Chouinard-Poirier
Nady Larchet + Stéphanie Nuckle
Renata Azevedo Moreira + Josianne Poirie
Public Writing Residency
Nicholas Dawson + Gabrielle Giasson-Dulude
DARE-DARE is beginning the first of two years of programming (2019-2020 and 2020-2021) on the theme of DUOLOGIE, a mode of action by pairing creators. The Center is motivated by risk-taking in creation and wishes to see the emergence of new works/interventions that would be the fruit of hybrid collaborations between artists and/or researchers from all horizons.
DUOLOGIE consists in forming original tandems, without any other schedule than the whole year's calendar, in order to dynamize, through this pairing and through the richness of the encounter, the sensitivity and the singularity of the research approaches put in dialogue. The programming committee formed duos based on the research fields of the candidates who submitted their profile rather than their project. Our plan was clear: to make explosive and overwhelming cocktails of beauty, finesse and intensity. This special program therefore involves the work of 6 artist duos, 3 per year. For DUOLOGIE, they will be interested in conceptualizing together and creating an intervention, an event, a situation, an art object designed to be shared/disseminated outside of the official contexts and venues of art.
Once again this year, DARE-DARE offers a space of exploration to two writers who will come in turn in residence at the trailer to be inspired by the context to conceive 24 written formulas borrowing the brief form, a poetry of the emergency, dense and concise. In total, their 48 proposals will make up the entire program of this section and the texts will be made visible, day and night, to thousands of passers-by and motorists who pass by the artist center's mobile shelter. Starting this year, the collaborative principle of DUOLOGY will also be applied to this component.
Also, as usual, DARE-DARE invites each year a person in residence for theoretical reflection to review the current programming, to go through it, to comment on it, to analyze it, to disseminate it, to manifest it, in short, to vivify it in the way that seems most coherent, pleasant, attractive (conference, interview, opuscule, video, podcast, etc.). In the wake of DUOLOGIE, two authors have been invited to play this role, again, in an interrelated manner.