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proje(c)t(ion)s urbain(e)s

An evening of imaginations/projects/visions for Rosemont viaduct and environs.

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An evening of imaginations/projects/visions for Rosemont viaduct and environs.

Aging pieces of urban infrastructure create both problems and promise for the city. They are in one sense destructive — they disrupt the urban fabric, they make inhabitation difficult. Yet they are also profoundly creative — they tend to serve as the friches or fallow lands from which the city renews itself. One such site is the braid of roadway and rail-line formed by Rosemont viaduct and the CP railway beneath it.

The evening presents the work of three design studios which have recently examined this potential in sites and spaces around Rosemont viaduct:

With: Les écoles d’architecture et de la Planification urbaine de McGill, option en Design urbain (Lawrence Bird + Nik Luka), L’atelier Architecture Urbaine, l’université de Montréal, (Alan Knight + Annie Lebel),et l’atelier de l’Aménagement du paysage urbain de l’Université de Montréal (Nicole Valois).

Each studio has approached the viaduct from a slightly different angle; the result is a diverse array of visions of urban design, architecture and landscape. These visions will be projected onto the viaduct itself, bringing the students’ ideas back in contact with the urban artefact which inspired them. All are welcome.

Université McGill, Université de Montréal present :

Proje(c)t(ion)s urbain(e)s
Tuesday April 29, 2008 at 8:30PM
at the parc sans nom.