Raphaëlle de Groot
With the help of devices equipped with magnifying lenses, the artist closely observed the surface of his skin as if it were something absolutely unknown.
The Reconnaissance project took place within parameters similar to those of a scientific experiment. With the help of devices equipped with magnifying lenses (microfiche viewer, slide projector, video camera with macro lens), I closely observed the surface of my skin as if it were something completely unknown. I conceived various processes to highlight the moment of touch or to make visible the texture and the drawing of the skin. The installations created as a result of this research invited the visitor to go on a reconnaissance trip on this bare membrane to immerse him in the infinitely tenuous space separating us from the things we touch.
Raphaëlle de Groot completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the Université du Québec à Montréal. For her last year, she went to study at Purchase College State University of New York as part of the CRÉPUQ exchange program. In 1996, her work was shown at the Saint-Michel pool during the Bain public event and at the Clark Gallery in a group show. Reconnaissance is his first solo exhibition.