A friendly meeting to trace the retrospective of a fantastic experience. with Patrick Beaulieu, Sylvie Cotton, Martin Dufrasne, Nicole McDonald-Fournier, Estela López Solís, Sonia Pelletier and Jean-François Prost.
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DARE-DARE is thrilled to invite you to its Back to SATELLITE MEXICO, a friendly meeting to trace the retrospective of a fantastic experience.
It has been more than a year since this event-residence took place in the Mexican capital; It is high time to share the highlights, mention the happy memories and explore the potential impact of this artistic adventure with the Montreal community.
This RECAP will take the form of a series of short presentations supported by a rich visual documentation. Successively, the coordinator, the 3 artists of Quebec and 3 accomplices of this adventure will share the highlights of this adventure.
In order to recreate the stimulating and joyous conviviality that marked this odyssey, a Mexican feast will be offered after the presentations. Together, around the tables, we can open this meeting to the chat.
►► 163 Van Horne - WORKSHOP B. (go up one floor and the door is on the right) starting at 5 p.m.
For six weeks, in March and April 2018, five artists from Quebec and Mexico created original works as part of a research and creation residency at La Quiñonera, in the heart of the Candelaria district of Coyoacán. There, Sylvie Cotton, Patrick Beaulieu, Nicole McDonald-Fournier, Daniel Godínez Nivón and Lucía Hinojosa plundge themselves in the context in order to design made to mesure projects to respond, exchange and interact with the geographical, human and social environment of the neighbourhood.
Many thanks to Christian Bujold, Michelle Lacombe & studio-mates for the great hospitality.