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Sophie Lanctôt


Born in Montreal, Sophie Lanctôt has a master's degree in painting from Concordia University.

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The pleasure at work

Voice-over for off-screen
( to be read by the audience with a smile )

- I love you
- Why do I love you ?
- May I kiss you ?
- Why ?
- "Isn't the most erotic place of a body where the garment yawns" ?
- " Yawns ? " Am I so boring ?
- Don't be so nervous. You're all wet. Take off your clothes. Let them dry... Now may I kiss you ?
- I feel like you want to grab me, put me in a cage.
- Take a chance. Open your mouth... Close your eyes... I love you.

An angel passes by.

- N.M.

Born in Montreal, Sophie Lanctôt has a master's degree in painting from Concordia University. She has done several internships abroad, notably in Mexico and Italy. The Art Bank of Canada, as well as several private collections, own some of her works.