Viva! Art Action
2nd edition
DARE-DARE presents a series of long and short performances to take place the urban environment as a means to create a dialogue with the general public.
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DARE-DARE presents a series of long and short performances to take place the urban environment as a means to create a dialogue with the general public. The chosen artists use performance to uniquely explore relationship of the body and space. This multidisciplinary program aims to present a large specter of performance practices thus making the dialogue possible between the various perspectives on performance, whether they be playful or political.
September 17 - 21, 2009
Near the Bain St-Michel located at 5300 rue St-Dominique and Lahaie park
CURATORS: Constanza Camelo and Manon Tourigny
ARTISTS AND INVITED SPEAKERS: Carl Bouchard and Martin Dufrasne (Saguenay, Quebec), Katnira Bello (Mexico D.F, Mexico), Christian Bujold (Montreal, Quebec), Sophie Castonguay and Anne-Marie Ouellet (Montreal, Quebec), Adonis Flores (Havana, Cuba), Antonio Juarez (Mexico D.F, Mexico), Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux (Nice, France), Marianela Orozco (Havana, Cuba) and Raul Naranjo (Bogota, Colombia).
Friday, September 18th
At 14 h 30: Antonio Juárez Invited, speakers on performative documentation, at Bain St-Michel
Saturday, September 19 th
At2 pm: Carl Bouchard and Martin Dufrasne under the poplars of the vacant field behind the jeans warehouse on rue de Gaspé.
At 3 pm: Katnira Bello, on the railway under the Van Horne viaduct (corner of Blv St - Laurence).
At 4 pm: Sophie Castonguay and Anne-Marie Ouellet, at 12 rue Maguire (behind Bain St-Michel)
Sunday, September 20
At 2 pm: Marianela Orozco, Lahaie Park
At 3 pm: Christian Bujold, to be confirmed.
At 4 pm: Adonis Floras, corner of Bernard and du Parc streets
Raul Naranjo, CANCELED
Tuesday, September 22
Conference : Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux, CANCELED
For more information see:,,