Viva! Art d'Exécution
Viva! Art Action
In the course of an evening on Friday, September 29th, and an afternoon on Saturday, September 30th, at the park with no name, DARE-DARE will be the host of performance art presentations as well as related interdisciplinary art forms of today.
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In the course of an evening on Friday, September 29th, and an afternoon on Saturday, September 30th, at the park with no name, DARE-DARE will be the host of performance art presentations as well as related interdisciplinary art forms of today. Considered at the fringe of standard spectacular and mimetic representations of reality, these art forms are integrated in performance art. Hannah Arendt regarded live art as a specific type of action where the product and the action that is carried out are identical. Here, art necessarily requires a witness at the time of its accomplishment. Under the auspices of Viva! Arts d’Exécution, DARE-DARE's program rounds up works from Montréals new generation of performance artists. The Centre proudly invites the public to share these moments of "situational insolence" devised collectively, in duo or as solo work.
Artists : Connologique Collective (Simon Brown, Benoit Chaussé, Dylan Crichton, François Lemieux ant Georges Rebboh, inviting Joëlle Couturier for the occasion), Jonathan Brabant Béliveau, Amélie Brisson-Darveau, Jason Arsenault, Cédérick Charland, Annie Brunette, Crécelle (Belinda Campbell), Fesses (Caroline Dubois) and Thierry Marceau.