Watching the Montreal Skyline Disappear
Victoria Stanton - The Sanctimonious Sect of Nothing Is Sacred
As a resident of the Southwest in Montreal, I often take the bike path along the Lachine Canal to get to several points across the city both east and north. In the short six years I’ve been living down here, with each new condo development going up, the cityscape – a once prominent and attractive feature of this path – has been basically vanishing.
A year-long project. I realize that this will be a particularly difficult task: Doing nothing (anticipated paradox).
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Presented as part of the project the Sanctimonious Sect of Nothing is Sacred.
As a resident of the Southwest in Montreal, I often take the bike path along the Lachine Canal to get to several points across the city both east and north. In the short six years I’ve been living down here, with each new condo development going up, the cityscape – a once prominent and attractive feature of this path – has been basically vanishing.
In what I think is probably my most despairing of non-actions in the collected moments of Doing Nothing, you are invited to come to the Canal and stand with me, as we collectively watch (and mourn) the disappearing skyline.
When: Friday Feb. 24, 2017 at 3pm
Where: Meet at metro station Georges-Vanier (2040, rue St-Antoine Ouest, H3J 1A6), we will walk over together from there. If you arrive late, come to the canal off Rue des Seigneurs and walk eastward (without crossing the bridge) till you find us. If you want to make sure to find us, please arrive on time at the metro.
Important: Wear warm clothes and good winter boots
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