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Yolanda Segura

Fantaisie Transparente

The Fantaisie is a humorous reflection of life with its two faces: awakening and pacifying rest... revitalizing repair, ancient heritage of the living matter.

Of Mexican origin, established for 20 years in Quebec, Yolanda Segura defines herself as "Maya of the body and spirit, Maya and Spanish of blood and under Quebec influence". She considers that the human gesture is a universal language and that the body in space is in fact a sculpture. She has been creating performances and installations on a regular basis since 1981.

Fantaisie Transparente is a humorous reflection of life with its two faces; the awakening and the rest that pacifies... revitalizing repairing ancient heritage of the living matter.

Fantaisie Transparente evokes the restorative rest of the earth and all species, sexes, races and colors "Sleeping on both ears"!