This spring, DARE-DARE is offering its community a loan program bringing together a hybrid collection of stories made up of actions and words.
Amélie Brindamour
Projects of Amélie Brindamour
Read moreFabuler l'école
Fabuler l'écoleTête-à-têteRead moreDARE-DARE continues its experimental school project. This second edition will be an opportunity to experiment with ways of transmitting and learning in DUO, to develop forms of resilient pedagogies in times of health and social crises.
Reading circleLa généalogie du déracinement : enquête sur l'habitation postcolonialeRead moreThe Gourmet reading group comes with a gastronomic exploration inspired by the book and prepared by artist Érick d’Orion. At each meeting, a little group shares analysis and thoughts on an essay that they had been reading in the month leading to the gathering of the group.
Martine Lauzier
ResidencyAudio Strolling InterviewsRead moreLauzier uses the walk to create a context that encourages exchange and brings the interviewed artist to talk about his/her work differently. It is also an excuse to discuss the place where one is and to make bridges between the space and the artistic approach of the artist.
Bread and Roses BakeryRead moreThe project is a mobile platform to encourage discussion in public spaces about the working conditions of artists and cultural workers in the Saint-Henri district, through bread and other artistic events.