This edition of Fabuler l'école in the "Green Classroom" formula took place over 3 days in the open air, gathering a group of approximatively 15 people to imagine and experience alternative pedagogies.
Élise Anne LaPlante
Projects of Élise Anne LaPlante
Fabuler l'école
Fabuler l'écoleGreen ClassroomRead moreFabuler l'école
Fabuler l'écoleTête-à-têteRead moreDARE-DARE continues its experimental school project. This second edition will be an opportunity to experiment with ways of transmitting and learning in DUO, to develop forms of resilient pedagogies in times of health and social crises.
Noisy and gourmet reading group
Reading circleNOISERead moreDARE-DARE’s Espace Critique committee presents a duo of reading circles on the theme: NOISE.
Fabuler l'École
Fabuler l'écoleExperimental school projectRead moreDARE-DARE launches its experimental school project. This first, six-day laboratory will gather 15 people under the directive Fabuler l’école (Fantasize the School), as a way to imagine and experiment alternative pedagogies.