In order to leave a trace of its passage following each of its Dis/location, DARE-DARE is happy to launch its new publication which relates its docking at Parc sans nom. Under the theme of « De la faillibilité et de l’échec », the experiences at the park and the projects put forward by DARE-DARE are revisited, highlighting the "laboratory" approach of the artist center.
Jean-Pierre Caissie
Projects of Jean-Pierre Caissie
Book launch
DIS/LOCATION 2 - Projet d'articulation urbaine : parc sans nomRead moreBook launch
Dis/location 1 - Projet d’articulation urbaine : Square VigerRead moreThis book continues the reflection initiated by the members and collaborators of DARE-DARE with the first part of Dis/location: urban articulation project, which led the center to relocate its offices in 2004 in a temporary shelter at Square Viger until in 2006.
Sophie Fougy et Simon Girault-Têtevide
Kif-kif bourricotRead moreThe "Kif-kif bourricot" project takes the form of a polyform beast, in constant metamorphosis, vacant at its daily occupations to which the public is invited.
Collectif Au travail / At work
Projet d’emploi et de détournementRead moreAT WORK / AT WORK is a call for open and free collaboration. This experimental project proposes to artists and workers to consider their workplaces as an artistic place of residency.
DARE-DARE dépôt 2005
Fundraising activityRead moreDARE-DARE, with its store, sells multiple, mass-produced art objects. The profits will go to found the center activities.
DARE-DARE dépôt 2004
Fundraising activityRead moreAfter the success of the 2003 edition of this found-raising event, DARE-DARE come back with its store and sells multiple, mass-produced art objects. The profits will go to found the center activities.
DARE-DARE Dépôt 2003
fundraising eventRead more