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Joni Cheungphoto : atelier circulaire

Joni Cheung

🔮 Snack Witch Joni Cheung 🍡 is a Canadian-born Hong Kong-Chinese queer woman and grateful, uninvited guest on the unceded territories of the xʷməθkwəy̓əm, Skwxwú7mesh, Stó:lō, and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh peoples. They are currently toiling over their MFA on the stolen lands of the Kanien’kehá:ka peoples to become a Certified Sculpture Witch at Concordia University. A wicked #magicalgirl ✨ eating art + making snacks 🌈⁠, their interdisciplinary, sculptural practice investigates the relationship between objects↔place↔identity; navigates discourses of transnationalism, migration, and diasporas; and uses food and humour to draw people in with the familiar, to confront the uncomfortable histories embedded in the everyday.

Cheung is a part of DARE-DARE's 2022-23 programming. They will be producing a participatory multi-site installation involving radio waves and creating a collection of songs and dedications with the help of those who live in Tiohti:áke - Mooniyang, in the neighbourhoods known as Little Burgundy and St. Henri.

Projects of Joni Cheung

  • (aka Joni Cheung)

    (aka Joni Cheung)
    Songs to my Ancestors

    Songs to my Ancestors, a collective musical compilation produced following a call for participation, is an audio piece that explores how radio broadcasts connect - through sound waves - members of the diaspora to family, friends and others, now separated by land and water.

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    Programming 2022-2023

    This year, we have decided to take a break from a theme to guide our 2022-2023 programming. We want to hear from you in these serious times. What are your concerns, what are your needs?

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