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karen elaine spencerportrait : karen elaine spencer

karen elaine spencer

Born in 1960 in Nelson, British Columbia, karen elaine spencer lives and works in Montreal, where she has lived for several years. She holds an MFA from the Université du Québec à Montréal and a BA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD) in Halifax. In recognition of her contribution, she was awarded the Galerie La Centrale - Powerhouse prize in 2012. Her work has been presented in Canada, the United States and Europe, notably at Blogueurs en captivité, a collaboration between DARE-DARE and Folie Culture, at the Art in Odd Places festival in New York, and at the Festival d'art performatif et d'intervention de Moncton. She has also given spoken word performances at the Westmount Library, the Arts Café in Montreal and the John Snow House in Calgary. She has also participated in artist residencies, most recently at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) in Brooklyn, where she ran the hey mike blog in 2012, and at the New Gallery in Calgary and Praxis art actuel in 2011.

Projects of karen elaine spencer

  • Movin' the charter 6

    Movin the charter 6

    With movin' the charter, karen elaine spencer proposes to disseminate excerpts from the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which she transcribed on large wooden panels. By inviting particular groups of participants to choose passages of the Charter that particularly resonate for them, the artist appropriates these excerpts to produce large format panels, which she will donate to the participant team thereafter.

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  • Movin' the charter 5

    Movin the charter 5

    Dans movin‘ the charter, karen elaine spencer propose de disséminer dans l'espace public des extraits de la Charte des droits et libertés du Québec, qu’elle a retranscrit sur de grands panneaux de bois.

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  • Movin' the charter 4

    Movin the charter 4

    Dans movin‘ the charter, karen elaine spencer propose de disséminer dans l'espace public des extraits de la Charte des droits et libertés du Québec, qu’elle a retranscrit sur de grands panneaux de bois. En invitant des groupes de participant.e.s choisis à sélectionner des passages de la Charte qui résonnent particulièrement pour eux/elles, l’artiste s’approprie ensuite ces extraits afin de réaliser des écriteaux aux formats imposants, dont elle fera ensuite don à l’équipe de participant.e.s.

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  • Movin' the charter 03

    Movin the charter 03

    With movin' the charter, karen elaine spencer proposes to disseminate excerpts from the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which she transcribed on large wooden panels. By inviting particular groups of participants to choose passages of the Charter that particularly resonate for them, the artist appropriates these excerpts to produce large format panels, which she will donate to the participant team thereafter.

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  • Movin' the charter 02

    Movin the charter 02

    With movin' the charter, karen elaine spencer proposes to disseminate excerpts from the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which she transcribed on large wooden panels. By inviting particular groups of participants to choose passages of the Charter that particularly resonate for them, the artist appropriates these excerpts to produce large format panels, which she will donate to the participant team thereafter.

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  • karen elaine spencer

    karen elaine spencer
    Movin' the charter

    karen elaine spencer proposes to disseminate in the public space excerpts from the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which she has transcribed onto large wooden panels.

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  • AU TRAVERS DE : incursions, gestes et postures

    AU TRAVERS DE : incursions, gestes et postures
    Exploratory Laboratory on Performative Urban Interventions

    A program presented by the collective L'Araignée (Kamissa Ma Koïta, karen elaine spencer, Helena Martin Franco, Noémi McComber).

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  • karen elaine spencer

    karen elaine spencer

    karen elaine spencer propose de disséminer dans l’espace public des extraits de la Charte des droits et libertés du Québec, qu’elle a retranscrits sur de grands panneaux de bois. En invitant des groupes de participant.e.s choisis à sélectionner des passages de la Charte qui résonnent particulièrement pour eux/elles, l’artiste s’approprie ensuite ces extraits afin de réaliser des écriteaux aux formats imposants, dont elle fera ensuite don à l’équipe de participant.e.s.

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    Presented as part of the Journées de la culture, this cultural activity consists of an artistic tour during which participants are invited to collect works / prints by artists selected by DARE-DARE.

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    Interventions within the Public Space and the Internet

    Bloggers in captivity, guest artists Adam Bergeron (Quebec City) and Karen Elaine Spencer (Montreal) have accepted the challenge of imprisonment and alienation during the three-day event.

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    Fundraising event

    3rd edition of the legendary DARE-DARE Gala! Benefit party for the benefit of DARE-DARE activities, which brings together about twenty artists during a festive evening where performances, videos and musical performances are presented.

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  • Karen Spencer

    Karen Spencer
    Expect nothing

    The position of the viewer in the work is an important and current topic that Karen Spencer addresses using the strategy of duality: on the one hand, a personalized encounter around a very simple action in the room and on the other hand, the inscription of her personal and intimate life in the more formal context of the gallery.

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