Almost everyone has been struck by the arbitrariness of the categories on which official forms are built, but the experiences of immigration undoubtedly make us particularly sensitive to it.

Martina Chumova
Born in Prague in 1984, Martina Chumova grew up mostly in Quebec. She studied anthropology, German studies and history before working in publishing. Her texts have been published in magazines such as Le Sabord and Mœbius as well as in collectives, including Ce qu'un jeune mari devrait savoir (Marchand de feuilles, 2021). His first book, Boîtes d'allumettes, published in 2020 by Cheval d'août, was selected for the Rendez-vous du premier roman award.
Projects of Martina Chumova
J’écris toujours très lisiblement dans les formulairesRead moreFROM ONE SCRIPT TO ANOTHER
Translate, interpret and engage people and territories in dialogueRead morePresentation of participating projects in the Public Writing component of the 2022-2023 programming
Programming 2022-2023Read moreThis year, we have decided to take a break from a theme to guide our 2022-2023 programming. We want to hear from you in these serious times. What are your concerns, what are your needs?