The publication SATELLITE retraces the first trajectories of a program of cross-border artistic explorations initiated in 2011, outside our Montreal territory. More than a retrospective visual panorama and a presentation of ephemeral works produced in three very different urban contexts (Detroit, Tijuana, Mexico City), the book proposes a series of recent observations in which the artists involved and their allied hosts revive deep memories, trace the paths of thought and experience, reveal the traces left in their creative practices and intellectual reflection, and even reveal the repercussions on their career or artistic mission.
Trilingual (French, English, Spanish)
420 lavishly illustrated pages (178 reproductions, including 140 color photographs)
Louis Aguilar, Patrick Beaulieu, Adrian Blackwell, Jason Botkin, Constanza Camelo-Suarez, Cog•nate Collective (Misael Diaz et Amy Sanchez Arteaga), Sylvie Cotton, Martin Dufrasne, Peru Dyer Jalea alias Peru143, Nicole McDonald-Fournier, Daniel Godínez Nivón, Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola, Lourdes Lizardi López, Jerry Paffendorf, Sonia Pelletier, Jean-François Prost, Néstor Quiñones, Nicolas Rivard, Douglas Scholes.

ISBN: | 978-2-9819625-2-2 |
Publication year: | 2022 |
Dimensions: | 24,2 cm x 17,2 cm |
Editor: | DARE-DARE |
Edition Comity: | Sylvie Cotton, Martin Dufrasne, Anne-Marie Ninacs |
Literary Direction: | Martin Dufrasne |
Graphic Design: | Marie Tourigny |
DARE-DARE Odyssée (2004-2014)
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The event ODYSSÉE (2004-2014) was presented by DARE-DARE center de diffusion d'art multidisciplinaire de Montréal in collaboration with the Collectif N. & M. (Nadège Grebmeier Forget and Manon Tourigny), on September 12, 2015. The publication DARE-DARE ODYSSÉE (2004-2014) is the witness of this day of festivities and presents the result of research conducted by Manon Tourigny to retrace the history and issues experienced by the Centre during the first decade of the urban articulation project DIS/LOCATION.
Manon Tourigny, Sylvie Cotton, Martin Dufrasne

ISBN: | 978-2-9817198-0-5 |
Publication year: | 2018 |
Editor: | Autopubliée par Manon Tourigny |
Edition Comity: | Collectif N. & M. (Nadège Grebmeier Forget et Manon Tourigny) |
Graphic Design: | Nadège Grebmeier Forget |
Vers Libres
Geneviève Amyot, Rosana Y Aris, Chloé Beaulac, Rémi Beaupré, Soufïa Bensaïd, Nicole Brossard, Simon Brown, Claire Burelli, Daniel Canty, Alice Feldt, Cynthia Girard, Céline Huyghebaert, Odile Joron, Sylvie Laliberté, Isabelle Lamarre et Bruno Mainville, Marie-Line Laplante, Sylvie Laplante, Arkadi Lavoie Lachapelle, Geneviève Letarte, Hélène Matte, Viviane Namaste, Jeanne Painchaud, Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf, Marie-Andrée Poulin, Carl Trahan, Stéfanie Requin Tremblay, Josée Yvon.

ISBN: | 978-2-89976610-7-6 |
Publication year: | 2017 |
Editor: | Le Noroît |
Edition Comity: | Geneviève Massé, Catherine Lisi-Daoust |
Literary Direction: | Paul Bélanger, Patrick Lafontaine |
Graphic Design: | Gabriel Jasmin |
This book examines the last three locations where the DARE-DARE mobile shelter was moored, namely Cabot Square (2008-2009), Walter-Stewart Park (2009-2012) and the Quartier des spectacles (2012-2015), and offers reflections by five authors on the various realities of artistic practices in public space: (in)visibility, anti-spectacle, and the instrumentalization of art for the benefit of politics. The publication exists in French and English.
Martin Dufrasne, artistic coordinator at DARE-DARE, signs the preface and articulates the reflection underlying the Dis/location project and, more specifically, the thread that led to this publication.
Alain Deneault deals with the excesses of neo-liberalism and contemporary society's fascination with economics and management rhetoric with biting irony.
Julie Châteauvert, who was the community relations coordinator at DARE-DARE from 2007 to 2010, offers a first-hand account, recounting in flashes and outbursts of indignation the intense tensions that characterized the Centre's stay in Cabot Square.
Suzanne Paquet addresses the issue of invisibility and emptiness that characterized DARE-DARE's fourth mooring behind the JTI-MacDonald plant. She proposes the interesting notion of the blind spot to translate this zone and this moment of transition.
Edith Brunette continues her reflection on dominant forms of discourse and how they represent the world by observing cultural policies and their potentially insidious effects on the creative milieu.
Manon Tourigny examines how the off-site artistic practices of the artists selected by DARE-DARE while she was curator for the 2009, 2011 and 2013 editions of the VIVA! art action festival are articulated.
Martin Dufrasne, Alain Deneault, Julie Châteauvert, Suzanne Paquet, Edith Brunette, Manon Tourigny

ISBN: | 978-2-9805640-7-9 |
Publication year: | 2015 |
Dimensions: | 28 cm x 21 cm |
Editor: | DARE-DARE |
Edition Comity: | Martin Dufrasne, Julie Fournier Lévesque, Frank Nobert, Valérie Perron, Denis Rioux et Manon Tourigny. |
Graphic Design: | Denis Rioux |
Dis/Location 2
Under the theme "On fallibility and failure", this publication presents the experiences of the park without a name (2006-2008) and the projects put forward by DARE-DARE. They are revisited, highlighting the "laboratory" approach of the artist-run center.
Theorists, artists and members of DARE-DARE share their reflections on the infiltration of a contemporary art organization into a structure such as the City of Montreal, as well as the echoes of spatial practices in singular urban contexts elsewhere in the world.
Clara Bonnes Quick return
Susanne Bosch The measure of failure
Jean-Pierre Caissie Bread and taste plates
J. R. Carpenter In absentia
Marie-Suzanne Désilets and César Saëz Chat about the Geostationary Banana Project over Texas
Ève Dorais Form does not create content: Viva! Performance art at DARE-DARE
Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat The ecosophical conversion of creative practices or the power of indeterminacy
Valérie Perron Administrative Anecdotes
Dan Pitera Good cogs mark obsolescence
Clara Bonnes, Susanne Bosch, Jean-Pierre Caissie, J. R. Carpenter, Marie-Suzanne Désilets, César Saëz, Ève Dorais, Pascal Nicolas-Le Strat, Valérie Perron, Dan Pitera

ISBN: | 978-2-9805640-4-8 |
Publication year: | 2012 |
Dimensions: | 28 cm x 21 cm |
Editor: | DARE-DARE |
Edition Comity: | Marie-Suzanne Désilets, Ève Dorais, Martin Dufrasne, Annie Hudon Laroche, Geneviève Massé, Frank Nobert, Jean-François Prost et Denis Rioux. |
Graphic Design: | Studio TagTeam |
Dis/Location 1
This book continues the reflection initiated by the members and collaborators of DARE-DARE with the first part of Dis/location: projet d'articulation urbaine, which led the center to move its offices in 2004 into a shelter temporarily installed in Viger Square until 2006. The book retraces the main milestones that led to the realization of this innovative initiative, shows the variety of artistic practices that were disseminated and the importance of the questions that arose from them.
For the authors of the publication - artists, architects, sociologists, journalists - Viger Square, a neuralgic place in the urban geography of Montreal, represents the starting point for a complex reflection on the links between art and public space, considered in their material and symbolic dimensions. The intervention of DARE-DARE and the projects of the artists in the program become an exceptional platform where the various theories and methods of analysis of the authors are articulated. In this sense, the book goes beyond the boundaries of Viger Square and the art world by questioning the relationship between art and social life.
Winner of Prix Grafika 2010 printed media (book)
Julie Boivin, Jean-Pierre Caissie, Jérôme Delgado, Raphaëlle de Groot, Marie-Suzanne Désilets, Louis Jacob, Fabien Loszach, Jean-François Prost, Armando Silva

ISBN: | 978-2-9805640-3-1 |
Publication year: | 2008 |
Dimensions: | 28 cm x 21 cm |
Editor: | DARE-DARE |
Edition Comity: | Jean-Pierre Caissie, Constanza Camelo Suarez, Marie-Suzanne Désilets, Ève Dorais et Valérie Perron. |
Graphic Design: | Denis Rioux |
Mémoire vive + l'algèbre d'Ariane
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A look back at two recent DARE-DARE events: L'algèbre d'Ariane (2000), with Les Brasseurs Art Contemporain, Liège and Mémoire vive (2002), with the Centre d'histoire de Montréal. The publication overflows with entrusted experiences and theoretical insights, and articulates a reflection on research, creative processes and the diversity of relationships established with audiences. Through a contamination of artistic practices, L'algèbre d'Ariane proposed a cooperative experience in which the audience found itself at the center of a game, searching for clues. Mémoire vive presented various gestures and interventions in the city, using history as raw material to activate individual and collective memory.
Laurent-Michel Vacher, Raphaëlle de Groot, Manon Quintal, Louise Provencher, Stéphane Gilot, Caroline Boileau, Marie-Ève Charron.

ISBN: | 2-9805640-2-8 |
Publication year: | 2004 |
Dimensions: | 20 cm x 14 cm |
Editor: | DARE-DARE |
Edition Comity: | Caroline Boileau, Jean-Pierre Caissie, Raphaëlle de Groot, Stéphane Gilot, Marianne Thibeault |
Graphic Design: | Uniform |
Mobilité et résonances
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While programming coordinator Manon De Pauw describes the day-to-day work at DARE-DARE, and Sylvie Tourangeau, President of the Board of Directors, defines the latter as a place of transformative and transformable experimentation, the editors show how achievements since 1996 confirm the research mandate set. This is followed by a supplement to the 1998-1999 program, with varying levels of discourse - descriptive or accompanying texts by the artists, interviews or critical texts by collaborators - and through which notions of place, mobility and the public/intimate relationship emerge.
Manon De Pauw, Sylvie Tourangeau, Manon Quintal, Raphaëlle de Groot, Peter Conlin, Suzanne Leblanc, Jean-François Pirson, Jean-Ernest Joos, Jean-François Prost, Stéphane Gilot, Mireille Lavoie, Yvonne Lammerich, Christine Lebel, Mitch Robertson, Nicolas Chiffe, Claude Champagne, Ildiko Repasi, Caroline Boileau

ISBN: | 2-9805640-1-X |
Publication year: | 2000 |
Dimensions: | 21,6 cm x 25,5 cm |
Editor: | DARE-DARE |
Edition Comity: | Raphaëlle de Groot, Manon Quintal |
Graphic Design: | France Lemire |
Orbitae : Dare-Dare 1996-1997
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Underlining the center's new focus on the place of artistic dissemination and deterritorialization, this collection of texts presented by Martine Meilleur and Nathalie Parent - written by eight critics and specialists who examine the multidisciplinary work of ten artists - is intended to deepen the reflections initiated during the exhibitions held in 1996-1997. Enriched by interventions by the creators (drawings, sketches) and a text by Lesley Johnstone on the reception given to public art. Short biographical notes on the artists and authors.
Marie-Michèle Cron, François Dion, Lesley Johnstone, Sylvain Latendresse, Sandrine Martinet, Martine Meilleur, Nathalie Parent, Marie Perreault

ISBN: | 2-9805640-0-1 |
Publication year: | 1997 |
Dimensions: | 20,4 x 21,6 cm |
Editor: | DARE-DARE |
Literary Direction: | Martine Meilleur, Nathalie Parent |
Graphic Design: | France Lemire |