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96 events found with tag Evening
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  • Book launch

    Book launch
    Itérations, Fondation Danaë, projet 1990

    The Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec invites you to the launch of Itérations, a publication illustrating the participation in the events of the Fondation Danaë (France).

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  • Partie de jardin

    Partie de jardin
    fundraising event

    The DARE-DARE gallery sells works by artists Michèle Delisle, Marcelle Ferron, Peter Krausz, Francine Simonin, Serge Tousignant and François Vincent.

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  • Infiniment petit 1990

    Interdisciplinary event

    DARE-DARE repeats the experience of "Petites pièces", but with a leap into the even smaller, into the Infinitely small: the works will not exceed 3 inches x 3 inches.

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  • 11 artists in their neighborhood

    11 artists in their neighborhood
    Alain Bouchard, Rachel Boucher, Yolande Dupuis, Christina Horeau, Raymonde Jodoin, Lise-Hélène Larin, Réal Lauzon, Michel Niquette, Ginette Prince, Manon B. Thibault, Anne Thibault

    This event has four components: open workshops, a clue exhibit, a party and a bus tour.

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  • Les femmes, l’art et la joie

    Louky Bersianik, Nicole Brossard, Nathalie Caron, Martine Chagnon, Carmen Coulombe, Marie Décary, Michèle Delisle, Danielle Hébert, Aline Martineau, Lise Nantel, Pol Pelletier

    multidisciplinary event to mark the fifth anniversary of DARE-DARE.

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  • Monique Crouillère

    Monique Crouillère
    D’un coup de pinceau

    DARE-DARE is screening Monique Crouillère's film based on the work of Francine Simonin.

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  • The scaled garden by François Vincent

    Fundraising event

    DARE-DARE is holding its first major fundraiser to mark the center's fifth anniversary.

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  • André Duchesne


    In the course of a concert, André Duchesne tells us a little about his taming of music, his ever-living interest in words and his commitment to the world and to life. An itinerary passing through Ferré, Prévert, Hendrix, Morrisson, Jagger and Beaudelaire to let us see and hear what he loves.

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  • Cocagne (Jean Gagné and Serge Gagné)

    Anti-histoire de l’Amérique

    DARE-DARE proposes an exhibition of collages made by Jean and Serge Gagné for their film "Le royaume ou l'asile".

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  • De Rome Ma Chine

    De Rome   Ma Chine
    duo Nathalie and Jean Derome (family atmosphere)

    An intimate show... filled with emotions -big and small. A recital of learned music...where the performers are "smart circus fleas"!

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  • Festival international de musiciennes innovatrices (F.I.M.I.)

    Festival international de musiciennes innovatrices (F.I.M.I.)
    Contemporary music: new-jazz, contemporary, rock, ethnic, reggae, performance and improvisation

    Musicians who push back, or should we say advance, the boundaries of musical understanding.

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  • Don Druick, Claude-Marie Caron and Ming Lee

    Don Druick, Claude-Marie Caron and Ming Lee
    The New Planet People Project

    DARE-DARE presents a concert of contemporary music.

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  • Peinturoton

    Fundraising event

    The DARE-DARE collective invites the whole population to a benefit activity: a painturoton.

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  • Claire Tremblay

    Claire Tremblay
    An oboe story

    Claire Tremblay shares her enthusiasm for the oboe for one night only in the DARE-DARE space.

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  • Screening of silent films

    Screening of silent films

    A public evening of film screenings.

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  • Micheline Lévesque


    Evening reading presented by Micheline Lévesque.

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